Die vergangene Woche war sowohl für Microsoft alsauch Fans von OneNote eine sehr spannende. Neben vielen Neuerungen hat man auch die kostenlosen Angebote von OneNote für Mac und Windows 7/8 bekannt gegeben. Ein Meilenstein, denn dieses ist das erste Office-Produkt aus dem Hause Microsoft, welches kostenfrei vertrieben wird.
Doch die Woche geht es weiter: Nachdem die Bereitstellung von APIs für Entwickler großen Anklang gefunden hat, macht Microsoft dort weiter wo sie letzte Woche aufgehört haben.
So sollen weitere APIs Entwicklern zugänglich gemacht werden. Im offiziellen Entwickler-Blog schreibt man von 12 neuen APIs, die ich ganz frech einfach mal übernehme:
- Improved error codes. Today, our error codes and messages aren't very helpful. For example, if you missed including the office.onenote_create scope when you asked your user to sign in, when you call the page create API, you will just get a 401 Unauthorized error back with no message telling you that you are missing the office.onenote_create scope. We would like to provide richer error messages, particularly for the 4XX type client errors, so we can help you pinpoint what is wrong with your request.
- PDF Rendering. In the current API, you can create a page with a PDF attachment, but it cannot be rendered onto the page directly. This feature will enable a PDF to be rendered onto the page, making it usable directly on the OneNote page. Since PDF is by far the most popular scan format, this is particularly important to scanner scenarios.
- API to create in a specific notebook and section. In the current API, all the pages created through the API will end up in the default location (see our blog post on the default page location). This feature will enable developers to create UI to let the user pick a specific location where the page should be created.
- API to create a notebook. Lets your app create a new notebook. (i.e. POST https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/notebooks)
- API to create a section. Lets your app create a new section within a notebook. (i.e. POST https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/sections)
- API to do whole page replacement. This will be the first version of our page update API, which is to enable you to replace the entire page (i.e. PUT https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/pages/{id}).
- API to get default location. For apps that don’t want to go through the hassle of creating UI to let the user pick where he wants the page to be created, they can use this API to at least get back the default notebook name and section name to show the user which location the page is going to be created in.
- Checkbox and other tag support. This would allow developers to use TODO's and other types of tags in OneNote. Note that tags in OneNote aren't page-level tags like in a blog post. OneNote tags are things like TODO, Important, Question, etc.
- API to delete a notebook, delete a section and delete a page. (i.e. DELETE https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/notebooks/{id}, DELETE https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/sections/{id}, DELETE https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/pages/{id})
- API to recall list of pages. Enables an app to enumerate all the pages in the user's notebooks. For example, your app might want to list the most recently created pages in OneNote to let the user choose a page to add its content into your app. (i.e. GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/pages)
- API to recall page content. We expect most developers will use this API along with #10 to get the contents of a page back and use it inside the app. (i.e. GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/pages/{id})
- API to recall images across notebooks or within a notebook. This is useful in scenarios where you want to enumerate all of the images stored inside the user's notebooks and allow them to pick the ones they want to use in your app. (i.e. GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/images or GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/notebooks/{id}/images)
Es tut sich viel im Hause Microsoft – deshalb braucht das Team auch Feedback rund um die Öffnung von OneNote. Falls du Entwickler bist – hier kannst du dem Team sagen was dir am Herzen liegt.
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